Home > Starting Small

Starting Small

January 16th, 2008 at 07:25 am

Ok, so here's the plan for the rest of the month: use the use the surplus $$ from the grocery money to get a crockpot. I was talking to a girl today who said she loveloveloves her crock pot. I figure if I just use it for stew, I'll be golden.

Second plan: make a list of my favorite cheap eats, and set a menu for the next few weeks. This will put me on target for one of my goals for 2008: lose weight. I'm a little too cuddly for long-term good health. So being more careful w/the meals is a good way to be both economical and healthful.

4 Responses to “Starting Small”

  1. Ralph Says:

    Yeah, food is a great area to try to build good habits in. I'm looking for a good healthy and cheap snack alternative to potato chips. I love those salty fatty devils but they are incredibly bad for me not to mention expensive. Crock pots are definitely a good thing. And we just acquired a much bigger rice cooker so I plan to freeze some rice for use in quick meals.

  2. denisentexas Says:

    Anna, we have three slow cookers and use them all. They're wonderful!

    Ralph, this isn't the same as chips but since chips are a treat for me (too many carbs), I always am on the lookout for other snacks.

    One of my favorites is cheap crisps. Just take a slice of cheese and microwave it until it's crispy and turning brown. It breaks easily into pieces and is great with dip or by itself. Not necessarily cheap but if the price of the cheese you get isn't too bad, it's manageable!

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Yeah, I am learning that stews are what crockpots seem to be ideal for....

    Although a lot of other recipes seem to suggest that it's perfectly capable of other things as well. I don't know yet.

    But, as an utter novice in the kitchen, I am certainly loving my crockpot!

  4. baselle Says:

    I love my crockpot, but somehow all the delicious stuff that comes from it is meaty, cheesey, and rich ... not diet food by any means. If you can come up with crockpot diet food, you won't need the Guild.

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