I was checking an old diary (actually purging the content, so I can recycle the website) and was reading the entries from this time last year. In January 06, I was doing pretty much what I am doing now, but working more. I also had a plan to put away about 2,000 more than what I actually did towards my debt -- a fault of discipline that I'm really trying to correct in 2007. But in any case, if my numbers are correct, I've knocked off about 12k from my debt. Not all of that comes from hard cash: some is from a settlement, that adjusted the total owed. Also, the math is a little flaky because of interest accrued at this point that wasn't in place earlier. In the next few weeks, I hope to settle one other debt, so I can build an emergency fund and start snowflaking the remaining debt.
But in any case, it's some progress, and I'm feeling grateful. My new year's wish is that in 08, I can look back at this year and forward to the next with some good feeling and optimism.
January 06 vs. Jan 07
January 2nd, 2007 at 10:27 pm